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Report 12 vs Report 23

Writer: Denis LangloisDenis Langlois

* As information can change over time, if you read this outside of 6 months from the original post date, please confirm with your WCR advisor that the information is still valid and accurate.*

Udder Health Task and Report 12

In 2013 Report 12 was renewed and Report 23 was introduced. A new improvement was made with the introduction of Lely Horizon. With Lely Horizon, farmers can customize their daily routine into tasks and have the relevant information available when they need it.

Udder Health Task

A task is an assigned piece of work that often has to completed within a certain time. Three colours are used to represent the status of a task. Yellow means there is an advisory for that task, blue means someone has started the task, and green means that the task has been completed.

The udder health task can be used to check the udder health of cows. The check box can be used to mark the cows that have been checked. The action button to enter a health treatment or routing. Once the task is completed, the task can be marked as done.

The udder health task shows information about the milk, such as deviations in colour, temperature, and yield. Using the buttons in the right-hand column, it is possible to route a cow directly or administer a health treatment.

To set the udder health task, go to Horizon, select the + button, and add task. Select udder health under "task options" and complete the other steps as well.

The udder health task includes the same cows as Report 12 Udder Health work list. In Horizon >Manage>Health>Attention settings, it is possible to manage attentions that affect the cows in this task. The cows in this report are the same cows as in Report 12.

Report 12: Udder Health Worklist

Cows with a new udder health attention are listed in Report 12 and therefore really need to be checked by the farmer. A new attention is any unique attention the cow has not had in the last 24 hours. If there is a successful milking without attentions after that, she immediately disappears from Report 12. A cow moves to Report 23 if the attentions remain longer than 24 hours.

How the attention flow of Report 12 is structured is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Schematic representation report 12

Some parameters (with the Horizon icon in the figure above) can be set in Horizon > Manage > Health > Attention settings.

  • Cell count attention: Cell Count Udder Attention Border. An attention is generated when the measured SCC is higher than the set number

  • Deviation day production attention

    • Maximum allowed deviation from 24h yield KG. An attention is generated when the deviation from the 24-hour yield is more than the set number. Or

    • Maximum allowed deviation from 24h yield %. An attention is generated when the deviation from the 24-hour yield is more than the set percentage.

  • Conductivity attention:

    • Threshold value attention measurements %. An attention is generated when the difference between the highest and lowest quarter is higher than the set percentage. And

    • Threshold value attention average %. An attention is generated when the difference in the average conductivity of the last 3 milkings between the highest and lowest quarter is higher than the set percentage. Or

    • Absolute conductivity threshold. An attention is generated when the conductivity is higher than the set number or higher.

  • Udder Health

    • Milk drop attention: Shows all cows with a milk day production drop bigger than x KG: a cow will receive an attention when her milk drop is above the threshold.

    • Manual milk separation: Shows manual milk separation. When enabled, cows will appear on Report 12 when a manual milk separation is set

Report 23: Udder Health Analysis Report

This report includes all cows with an attention, checking these cows is recommended. When there is a successful milking without an attention, she disappears from Report 23 again.

How the attention flow of Report 23 is structured is shown in Figure 2

Figure 2 Schematic representation Report 23

If an attention remains longer than 24 hours, the cow moves to Report 23. If she still has a new attention, she stays on Report 12. If the cow has an SCC attention or a conductivity attention, but no deviation in daily production, she is shown on Report 23.

Some parameters (with the Horizon icon in the figure above) can be set in Horizon > Manage > Health > Attention settings.

  • Cell count attention: Cell Count Udder Attention Border. An attention is generated when the measured SCC is higher than the set number

  • Conductivity attention:

    • Threshold value attention measurements %. An attention is generated when the difference between the highest and lowest quarter is higher than the set percentage. And

    • Threshold value attention average %. An attention is generated when the difference in the average conductivity of the last 3 milkings between the highest and lowest quarter is higher than the set percentage. Or

    • Absolute conductivity threshold. An attention is generated when the conductivity is higher than the set number or higher.

In summary

The udder health task Report 12 and 23 and the udder health task are a good tools to help you focus on the cows that need attention in terms of udder health. The udder health task can help you make this part of the routine on the farm. The udder health task, Report 12 and 23 are good to use. The udder health task and Report 12 are a working list, Report 23 an analysis. In other words, a “need to know” report and a “nice to know” report.



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