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Most Common Juno Alarms & How to Troubleshoot Them

Writer's picture: Kevin CoersKevin Coers

Junos will from time-to-time display either an alarm or report depending on the severity of the issue. Some of these alarms and reports can be resolved quickly with minimal tools required. This applies to Juno 100, 150 & Next/Flex.

The first common alarm is “No Ultrasound Signal”. This can be caused by the ultrasound wand being pushed either up or down and is no longer reading its target. This can be resolved by adjusting the wand to the correct position usually along the top rail of the feed fence. Also check to make sure the ultrasound is free and clear of cobwebs, dust, and debris.

The next common alarm is “Juno Blocked” or “Collision Detected.” Depending on which Juno you have, it can vary on what causes the alarm. For the Juno 100 and Next, it means that the lid has been pushed off its magnet sensors. It should come back to its normal position after the lid encounters an object, however the lid can sometimes remain in that askew position. Lifting the lid and lowering it to its normal position will resolve any alignment issues. If the problem persists it would be a good idea to call the WCR hotline for further troubleshooting. As for a Juno 150, it has a rubber bump ring that encompasses the frame and inside that rubber ring are pressure sensors that measure resistance when it pushes against something. If you are seeing this alarm and the Juno is not pressed against something, inspect the ring for any nicks or cuts that can cause damage to the sensor causing the alarm to trigger, if that’s case the bumper will need to be replaced.

“Juno Off Range” or “Juno Lost” these alarms are most commonly found when the inductive sensor that reads the metal strips installed on the floor have missed a strip. For a Juno Next this can be caused by a wheel strip, wheel diameter is incorrect, or even a blown tire. For a Juno 150 it’s often the inductive sensor has been pushed out of alignment. All inductive sensors need to be between 1-2cm above the floor to read strips properly. If you find that the bracket has been pushed out of alignment, you should call the hotline and we can walk you through the adjustment procedure.

How does a Juno know where a strip is supposed to be? Well, it starts to look for a strip 2 meters before it is expected to find the strip and 5 meters after its expected location. The encoders on the wheels count how many wheel rotations are performed and calculates distance based on how many turns of the wheel and by the diameter of the of the wheels.


“Low charging current” which can be caused by dirty charging strips or charge prongs. Carbon build up forms over time on the charge strips which needs to cleaned regularly to keep the battery running at peak performance. This can be done with either a wire brush or a sandpaper wheel on a drill or grinder.

“Battery is overloaded too many times”. It’s time to check the condition of the battery and take into consideration how old the battery is and how much of an important role it plays. Yellow top batteries in Lely machines typically last between 3-5 years depending on route length and charge time. Look for bulges in the battery case as well as feel how warm the battery is to the touch are all indicators that the battery should be replaced. WCR FMV technicians have a yellow top battery tester that can read how much life is left in the battery in the form of a percentage.

“Route is not correct – unreliable – see route analysis – see manual. There is no need to be alarmed about the report, all Juno 100’s and 150’s will show this alarm when there is a backup action in the route. We avoid having the Juno back up as much as we can but sometimes its unavoidable. This is a question I get asked often, its part of the Juno’s programming to throw this alarm when a back up action is used and can make the route less reliable.

Feel free to call our team at 1-866-601-5532! Press '2' to get a technician from the feeding department and we will be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have.


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