The Lely Juno 100 is one of the most popular automatic feed pushers on the market. Our goal at WCR is to make yours as hassle-free as possible. The Juno 100 should only get lost once per 3 months, and only because someone parked a tractor in the feed alley by mistake. If your Juno is acting up, or you’re the pro-active type, here are some things you can check every week or so to make sure that your feed stays pushed up and everyone stays happy.
First off, make sure the Juno is making good contact with the charger. Both charging prongs should be making full contact with the charging strips on the Juno, and there should not be any sparking while the Juno is parked (some sparks when the Juno enters and leaves the charger is normal.) The prongs and strips should be cleaned with sandpaper to keep the metal clean and prevent pitting due to arcing. If you notice the report “Low Charging Current!” then chances are that the charging surfaces need to be cleaned.

In order for the Juno 100 to make good contact with the charger, the ultrasound sensor needs a clear signal as it approaches. Make sure that the sensor is clean from dust, debris and manure. The center white “eye” can be cleaned with a damp cloth, and the black foam around the “eye” should be intact. Make sure that the level of the sensor is at the proper height as well; the Juno needs to follow a target into the charger, whether that be a piece of plywood or a horizontal bar, so make sure the sensor is set correctly.

Another thing to watch for is build up of feed underneath the wheels of the Juno while it parks. Little bumps can form from packed feed, causing the Juno to roll away from the charger even after it makes contact with it. Try and make sure the area around the charger stays clean so nothing can prevent the Juno from parking properly.

Lastly, if you find the Juno is making good contact with the charger but is just driving right past it, make sure the charger isn’t in a fault state. Look in the little cutout in the side of the charger and notice the state of the LED’s; if both green and yellow lights are blinking, something is wrong, and the charger isn’t putting out power. Unplug it for 20 seconds and plug it back in. The green light should return solid, and if the Juno is parked, the yellow should be solid as well. If not, there could be a short or the charger itself is toast.
If there are any questions about your Juno, don’t hesitate to call our service team at 1-866-601-5532!